What’s New in EZLynx Accounting 2.4
- Ability to add an image to invoice footers
- Full name of coverage is printed on invoice
- Ability to add comments that print on invoice
- Quickly update policy numbers on existing invoices
- View due dates on the Invoice Overview screen

- Ability to add custom receipt footers
- Invoice total prefills when a receipt is created
- Comments column added to Adjustment screen
- A check number is no longer required unless Payment Type selected is “Check”
- Updates to Add Receipt box
- Ability to check ”Send to QuickBooks” box when adding EFT Receipts
- Ability to sort “Agent” column in the Cash Receipts report
- Added applicant name and policy number to Check Register report
- Added bank accounts to Deposit Summary report

Group data by agency in order to manage multiple locations – on the following reports:
- Trial Balance
- Unapplied Cash
- GL Posting Detail
- Undeposited Funds
- Cash Receipts
- Invoice Summary
- Deposit Summary
- Production by Producer
- Check Register
- Production by Writing Company
- Payee List
- Ability to search by applicant when adding line items to a check
- Added an “Exported” column to the Checks grid
- Ability to change the payee name on an a submitted check
- Ability to set Default Days Grace for payees on the Configuration tab
- Warning message appears when adding a payment to a closed month
- Enhanced date search for receipts, invoices payables and general ledger
- Added “Today” as a quick option on date selectors

Bug Fixes
- Invoice footer spacing on printed invoices
- Direct Bill Statements no longer create duplicate payees
- When creating a line item, we no longer add a second line under it
- Deleted Direct Bill Statements removed from both Commissions and Accounting
- When adding a Pending Invoice, line items are not duplicated
- Customer statements regenerate when adding a new transaction
- Removed ability to add negative receipts to a deposit
- Negative receipts can’t be created as credit/EFT
- Changes to bank account name updates everywhere the name is displayed
- Restored missing receipts on Invoice tab
- Able to apply receipts to certain statements
- Able to refund negative receipts created in error
- Removed negative receipts from the Undeposited Funds report
- Payable work-list issue amounts now display correctly
- Improved Production by Producer report responsiveness
- A unique reference number is now created for every deposit
- When a receipt is applied, it automatically refreshes to the top of the page
- Upgraded Check search options
- Missing Direct Bill cash payment carriers are now displayed
- Restored the Transaction Log for receipts and checks
- System activities no longer display duplicate usernames
- Commissions now display correctly on Production and Payables reports